Reach Education Fund

Who We Are

Reach Education Fund is a Non-Profit Organization established to help Palestinian students achieve their academic dream. Reach Education Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2014. Reach Education Fund is also registered as an NGO in Palestine.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Core Values

Our Mission

is to award university scholarships to orphans, underprivileged and honor-level students, in Gaza Strip and West Bank, who possess the will, passion, and commitment to contribute to their communities.

Our vision

is to reach, educate, and inspire Palestinian students through the transformative power of scholarships and mentorship

Core Values

We operate with neither political nor religious affiliation that may affect our neutrality, and we award scholarships solely based on merit and financial need criteria.


We treat donors who support us, students we award scholarships to, and universities that enroll our students as partners in our endeavor to uplift Palestinian communities through education.


We strive to be transparent, worthy of your trust, honest and dependable to fulfil our mission in the most effective ways possible.

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Help is Our Goal

What Makes Us Different

We Educate

Reach hosts professional speakers and highly qualified trainers through its online platforms.

We Help

We help +200 Students get professional Training on Leadership and Team Building Skills.

We Build

Reach provides mentorship, guidance, and support to aid students with the resources needed for career growth.

We Donate

 Reach award university scholarships to orphans, underprivileged, & honor-level students in Gaza & West Bank.

Meet Our

Board of Directors

Group 1000003703

Join The Reach
Education Team


Become a team player

No matter what your background, age, or skillset is, we want to hear from you – together we can all make a difference. If you’d like to help make a difference to the lives of those most in need and gain rewarding experience, register your interest here or contact our team.